Neither of us had much opportunity to travel when we were growing up, but we were and continue to be curious and adventurous in spirit. In spite of obstacles that prevented us from physically exploring the world in our earlier lives, our minds were nevertheless unbounded. Assisted by books, TV shows and the stories of those that had been luckier in their journeys, our youths were still tangentially filled with the excitement that only travel can bring.
As our circumstances changed we rushed headlong into a nomadic life, taking advantage of every opportunity to live, work and play in unfamiliar lands, all the while creating and sharing adventures with people from places near and far. Our greatest joy is travelling across countries and continents and experiencing the cultures of the lands in their most natural setting. While on the road — and also in our daily lives — we try our hardest to respect nature and culture by limiting our carbon footprint and being reverent of the differences inherent in foreign cultures. We try to uphold the creed that the only thing that should be “taken” while travelling are photos, and the only thing to “leave behind” are footprints.
Photo taken in Hong Kong by Instant20
Kai grew up in Toronto and currently lives in Dubai. Aside from his native tongues of Cantonese and English, he has picked up French, German, Mandarin and Russian, which help him well in his travels.
Kai is an NBV™ author and editor.
Dominika grew up in rural Poland, near the Russian border, and currently lives in Dubai. Aside from English and Polish, she is learning Arabic and Mandarin Chinese.
Dominika is the photographer for NBV™ as well as an author of the stories. She is responsible for the content of the Polish section of the site.
Natasha Jochman
Natasha’s love of art & design began when she won a colouring competition aged 5. After finishing an MA in Textile Design from Chelsea College of Art, London, in 2009, she moved to Dubai with her husband and now manages Mussawir Art Gallery in the creative district of Al Quoz. For more information you can follow Natasha’s blog ( and on twitter (@tashjochman).
Zeina Eid
A Beirut-born, English-Arabic translator, currently works and lives in Dubai, UAE. Shoot her anif you are planning a trip to Beirut. She may help you out with planning your trip and showing you around Lebanon. Zeina is not only a great guide but can also give you a true Middle-Eastern driving experience with the grace of a rally-car driver… Unforgettable experience guaranteed!
Jędrek Wojnar
Chłopak z prowincji, który zawsze omija centrum. Interesuje go zła pogoda, nieciekawe miejsca, słabe widoki – czyli jakieś 90% świata. Rowerzysta, fotograf, żeglarz, dziennikarz; włada angielskim i francuskim, owładnął go rosyjski.
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The primary language of the content of NBV™ is English. However, we also have a section in Polish which can be accessed here: Polish entries.
Natural Born Vagabond™ is a site devoted to travel photography and journalism. Here you can find images and articles from our remote travels. The ambition of the creators is to share the best stories with those who crave wilderness and adventure. If you would like to share your opinions or travel stories please contact us via e-mail (on the top of the page). We will review your entry in a timely manner.
Natural Born Vagabond™ (w wolnym tłumaczeniu “Urodzony Obieżyświat”) to strona poswięcona podróżom i fotografii podróżniczej. Ambicją twórcow tej strony jest publikacja najciekawszych relacji z licznych podróży w nieznane. Jeśli chcecie Państwo podjąć z nami współpracę w ramach publikacji własnych historii z podóży prosimy o kontakt e-mailowy. Wszystkie artykuły po polsku znajdują się tutaj.